Well, I finally feel like I am getting some stuff done. This quilt was a custom order from someone who wanted an only pink and white quilt. I think it turned out very cute!! The flannel backing is actually a Robert Kaufman flannel that I found at Joann's. I love finding good deals at Joann's.
These pillows are just part of a big custom order for another customer. It is for her son's toddler bed. But I thought these pillows were so cute. They are the first pillows I have ever made and I quite enjoyed making them. I just finished the last pillow today which was another applique of a truck which is a small replica of the quilt I am still working on for her.
I am hoping to finish the quilt this week and mail it all to her. I know she has been waiting a while for it all to get done and I am almost there. The entire design and color schemes are her ideas I just created them. I think the entire bedding set is going to look really good together.
What a nice blanket, and the flannel backing is really pretty!