Okay I think my patience has finally paid off. Let me say I just spend the entire day attaching the binding to my quilt. Wow what a process. When I put the quilt together I acted like the back was the top and vise versa. It worked great for me and I centered the truck perfectly on the quilt.
But......then I had to attach the binding to the front. Ughhh. First I had to trim down the brown corduroy to 1/4 inch. Usually not a big deal but this quilt is so fluffy it was quite a taste. But not difficult. Then I went to attach the binding. I thought I was on the home stretch, this is usually the easy part. I didn't account for how fluffy the quilt was. I guess I am used to flatter ones. So this is where my pictures come in to explain.
First I had to put pins in the quilt top to keep the fluff down and so that the corduroy didn't bunch and get sewn into the binding.
Then I had to pin down the binding on top of the already pinned quilt. I know look at all those pins!!
This is what it ended up looking like before I sewed it on. CRAZY!!
But in the end it did work!! It was a lot of work and had to remind myself to go slow and it would all work out. But it was a long, long day. I think for once I will enjoy the easy process of hand sewing the binding down. There can't be any complications there.....can there?